As much as we hope not to join the Jack Neo 'team', we cannot resist the reliability and the ability to help us save in the long run...even thou it has exceeded our initial budget for air conditioning. The package which we have opted for includes the use of 1/2 inch thick class '0' thermaflex insulation for indoor unit and class '1' black insulation for outdoor unit. PVC pipe use will be 16mm and G23 copper pipe.
The main 3 selling points for the Mitsubishi Starmex Inverter Air Conditioners are:-
1. Excellent Energy Efficiency...making it the No. 1 Specialist in Energy Saving
2. Easy Clean...Easiest to clean with reachable inner vent
3. Quietest Air Conditioning at 21dB.
Supplier: Hong Tar Air Con & Fridge Trading
Model: MXY-3A28VA
Dimension: W840mm x D330mm x H710mm
Distribution: MSXYGD18 (Master Bedroom/WIW/Study) , MSXYGA13 (Living/Dining Room) and MSXYGA10 (Common Room)
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